Corporate Social Responsibility
We believe that a company must not only deliver financial performance but also represent a positive model. Long before that attention to sustainability and social even became a fashion, we have tried to minimize resource use and enhanced the social and cultural initiatives reflecting our company.
The environment, first of all
We have monitored the emissions produced by our Data Centers and worked to reduce their impact since 2005.
Our commitment is to combine the growth of data and digitalization with the growing need to reduce the environmental impact: constant maintenance of systems, innovative technologies and the selection of the right vendors have eliminated 233.502 KG of CO2 from the atmosphere in the last year.
We collect electric energy only from renewable and certified sources and we have projected our Data Centers so as to avoid the emissions of noxious gas, reaching very high levels of efficiency. In our more recent server farms, the PUE or Power Usage Effectiveness - i.e. the ratio between the energy globally used by the Data Center and the energy used by the IT devices, taken individually - gets to 1,2.
Moreover, Seeweb has been among the first companies in Italy to gain the ISO14001 certification, which provides assurance to customers, employees and external stakeholders that environmental impact is being measured and improved.
Circular economy
Our process and technological waste management is based on a zero impact approach. Seeweb collaborates, in fact, with vendors that give disused servers new life and dispose of the non reusable components in an environmentally friendly way.
Highly efficient fire-fighting systems
Every element contributes to create sustainable environments. For this reason, we have chosen to provide our server farms with highly efficient fire-fighting systems, like HI-FOG, that guarantees the best performances using a very low volume of water and without any noxious emission in the atmosphere. Unleashing a very fine “fog” and creating a water barrier rapidly, our systems are able to suppress eventual fires really quickly, protecting the integrity of the IT equipment hosted in the Data Center with the maximum protection of people and environment.
WUE or Water Usage Effectiveness
In our sustainable Data Centers, we provide Colocation and Cloud Computing services without wasting water, only used in the first phase of the system loading and working in a closed circuit.
Including the fire-fighting systems and their maintenance, we use less than 5.000 liters of water in 10 years, that means just over one liter of water per day for thousands and thousands of servers, those servers that store and elaborate your data.
Certified sustainable hosting
Seeweb is supporter of The Green Web Foundation, an international organization which aims at raising awareness on a total transition to the use of renewable sources in the IT world. The websites hosted in our infrastructures will be recognized as running on green energy checking their sustainability through the "green web check".

Our duty of making our server farms with a low impact on the planet is today a commitment shared among all signatories of the Neutral Datacenter Pact: a pact whose goal is to reach climate neutrality by 2030. A goal that can be achieved not only by optimizing Data Centers electric consumption but also by reducing the use of water and electronic components, aiming for the intelligent recycling of the heat produced.
Also our cloud services for IA and ML have a low environmental impact: the Rack hosting the GPU servers are in a high density environment and our GPU cloud guarantees high performances and at the same time green computing.
We promote sustainable mobility and beauty
We have always promoted remote work and virtual meetings whenever possible and we have provided our offices with a charging station for electric cars.
We are partners of FAI (Fondo Ambiente Italiano) that every day protects the artistic and cultural heritage of Italy.
For an ethical network
We think that a successful company must do something for the society, contributing to the initiatives reflecting his values.
We have always been sensitive to all projects aimed at keeping the Internet free and transparent as well as digital responsibility awareness programs such as Isoc, The Hour of Code and IHF (Inclusive Hacker Framework). We support these organizations for their contribution to creating digital citizens able to take advantage of the Internet without losing sight of fundamental aspects like privacy, human rights and the impact of everyone’s digital actions on life.

In line with these values we support, among others, Cheshire Cat, an open source project that is revolutionizing the world of AI-based services by offering scalable and customizable solutions useful for creating virtual assistants based on Large Language Models (LLM). Using this open source framework, companies and developers can integrate artificial intelligence models in an agile manner tailored to their needs.
We are our data
We believe that everyone should maintain the full control of his data, for a technology to the benefit of people.
Through the CISPE, we are committed to protect the data that are stored in our cloud servers and infrastructures, excluding every marketing purpose or activity of data mining, targeting, direct marketing, in compliance with GDPR. Furthermore, we are against every form of technological lock-in.
Want to know more about our initiatives and our Corporate Social Responsibility? Contact us via email ( or via live chat!