Our Data Center

Thanks to the optic fiber connections we offer you maximum performances and reliability. The network critical elements are all fully redundant, the router duplicated. Our farms of Milan, Frosinone and Chiasso are provided with independent, concurrent IP resources, so that they can reach the best fault tolerance possible

Mappa Europa Datacenter Seeweb

Milano Via Caldera 21

1000 mq dedicated to Colocation and Cloud Computing services. Maximum power 500KW.
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Via A. Vona 66

1000 mq for Colocation and Cloud Computing. Maximum power 1000KW.
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Lugano, Svizzera Via Vergiò 8 Lugano

Cloud Computing services. Datacenter Swisscom

Zurigo, Svizzera Hofwisenstrasse 56 Rümlang

Cloud Computing services. Global Data Centers Switzerland AG

Sofia, Bulgaria 16V Barzaritsa Str., Ovcha Kupel District

Cloud Computing services. Evolink Datacenter
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Based on the most modern technologies of transport on optical fiber and planned with an accurate selection of providers and peering policies, Seeweb network is today the best you can have.

Connected to the main national and international carriers

Our Data Centers were designed to offer our enterprise customers the maximum availability. Only a complete redundancy of systems and the most advanced technologies can guarantee a continuative, high quality service and Seeweb infrastructures have been projected to satisfy the growing needs of reliability.
Thanks to a continuous monitoring, an anti-Dos proactive protection and more levels of technical support, companies can reduce their internal costs of management and concentrate on their business.
The redundancy of our infrastructures makes our housing and colocation services extremely reliable: all Seeweb network elements and routers can be reached through two paths.
To obtain transport and connectivity services of high quality, we use world level carriers.

The carriers available in our Data Centers

The carriers available in Milan are: Cogent Communications, Fastweb, Metroweb, Retelit, M247, COLT, Consorzio Metrolink, Fiber Telecom, Telecom Italia, Lumen, Exa, Warian and Connesi.

In Frosinone, our data center very close to Rome: Connesi, Warian, Fastweb and Telecom Italia.

Our interconnections

  • NTTMilano, 10 Gbps

  • GTTMilano, 10 Gbps

  • GTTRoma, 10 Gbps

  • NaMeXRoma, 2 x 10 Gbps

  • MIXMilano, 10 Gbps

  • CogentMilano, 10 Gbps

  • AMS-IXAmsterdam, 6 Gbps

  • MINAPMilano, 10 Gbps

  • TIMMilano, 4 Gbps

  • TIMRoma, 4 Gbps

  • SWISSCOMLugano, 1 Gbps

  • AMSIX AMS-IXMilano, 5 Gbps

  • AMSIXROM AMS-IXRoma, 1 Gbps

Our connectivity providers are the most important Tier 1 global networks: Cogent Communications, GTT and NTT. They have been chosen for their reliability and because together, they allow us to have a redundant service.

We have organized our connectivity in Milan so that none of our providers may share fibers or data rooms: we are able to continue to provide services also in case of down occurred in one of the other data centers of the Caldera campus.

For a better security, our data centers of Frosinone have at their disposal a second connection to GTT: they are completely independent from Milan also in case of disaster.

Part of our traffic is exchanged by means of direct interconnections (peering): for this, we are connected to two of the major italian neutral Internet Exchange Points, MIX (Milan) and NAMEX (Rome) and in one of the best in Europe, AMS-IX (Amsterdam).

Cloud Computing, Housing and Colocation. Whatever you need, in our datacenters you will always find an high performing network infrastructure, with the right level of redundancy and protection