The access to Seeweb structures is aimed at guaranteeing maximum security and preventing any form of intrusion or risk for your data. For this reason, our data centers are all 365/7/24 surveilled with our personnel or authorized external personnel, with the further support of remote monitoring services.
The access to our data centers is possible only for Seeweb personnel and for third-party personnel specifically authorized. Always through Badge/Secret and biometric technology access control.
All rooms are provided with a system of external and internal perimeter video surveillance with constant control of the critical areas and consequent activation of the alarm circuit and armed surveillance (in the Milan datacenter, surveillance is shared with the campus. In the other cases is “dedicated”).
Moreover, the intrusion detection system in place offers a specific access and passages volumetric monitoring. In particular, the datacenter of Via Vona, Frosinone is also protected by microwave barriers combined with accesses control system and video surveillance
A completely redundant network infrastructure, with copper and fiber paths always divided and multilevel for the maximum protection against accidental events. A system of supply in compliance with the EIE-CE regulations and completely redundant thanks to double rack lines, all connected with high-quality, tear-proof and firebreaks plugs.
Every rack is powered by two different lines coming from redundant UPS. The full data centers security is also due to long autonomy, automatic start generators that can be easily and rapidly supplied in case of need.
Our data centers are well protected against natural events, also thanks to a sophisticated system of percolation that can be put in place in case of cooling plants water losses. The innovative fire-protection system (HI-FOG ® Marioff water mist) is fully compliant with the NF standards.
PA 750 and UNI CEN/TS 14972 allows the coexistence of the operators present in the data center during the fire and they can work strongly reducing impact on services. Milan data centers are protected by the system of smoke detection compliant EN54-7; EN54-5. Frosinone data centers are protected by the progressive, multi area Vesda system.